Meet the keynote speakers:
Prof Sharifa Ezat
Health Economic and Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine UKM and President of Malaysian Society of Harm Reduction (MSHR),​ Malaysia
Dr Karl Erik Lund
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Prof Gerhard Scherer
Chemist/Biochemist and Toxicologist, Director, ABF Lab, Germany

Meet the panelists:

  • Dr Arifin FiiFamily Physician and President of the Advanced Centre for Addiction Treatment Advocacy, Malaysia
  • Dr Carolyn Beaumont, Clinician, Nicotine Prescriber and Founder of SmokerHealth, Australia
  • Dr Lorenzo Mata, Medical Practitioner and President of Quit For Good, the Philippines
  • Prof Tikki Elka Pangestuformer director, Research Policy & Cooperation, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Objectives of the webinar: 

  • Highlight the role of risk-reduced products as a tool towards smoking cessation
  • Provide an overview of the Swedish experience in THR and the subsequent effectiveness in reducing tobacco-related harms
  • Explore the role and importance of flavours in alternative nicotine products
  • Review biomarker of exposure and potential harm data in smokers who switch to risk-reduced products

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